How do I make changes to my account?
To make changes or updates to your account, please sign in.
Once signed in, you will see three tabs on your dashboard;
1. Your Profile Tab will allow you to update the following;
- First Name
- Last Name
- Email Address
- Password
2. On your Shop Tab, there's a side bar appearing on the left portion of your screen;
- Dashboard: Clicking on this simply takes you back to your Profile
- Orders: View and manage your current orders here
- Subscriptions: View and manage your current subscriptions here
- Addresses: Setup your Billing Address here
- Payment Methods: Allows you to enter and edit your credit card information
Note: Our billing transactions are handled by our chosen payment provider, Stripe. To learn more about our Payment Methods, click on this article.
- Account Details: Just like the dashboard, you'll be able to edit your basic information as well as your password. Additionally, you can update your Display name (Choose a name you wish to be displayed in the account section and in reviews)
- Logout: Signs you out of your Account.