What should I do after a client books a first session with me?

When a client makes a new booking with you, you receive a new booking request via email. You need log into your profile here: https://expatherapy4u.com/signup/?action=login to approve or reject the booking within 24 hours of receipt. This support article explains what happens when a therapist does not confirm receipt of a new booking within 24 hours.

As seen on this image, you can approve receipt of a new booking in your Therapist account by navigating to Appointments > Pending Appointments. Click on the Approve button, and this will reflect in your client's account. 

The appointment will now be visible in your account under the  Upcoming Appointments tab.

After you have approved the booking, please contact the client directly via email. This ensures they have your contact details in case they need to reach you for administrative reasons, such as canceling or rescheduling their session. Additionally, use this opportunity to confirm the details of the appointment. If the session is in person, verify the meeting location and address. For phone sessions, confirm how the call will take place, especially if the client has an international number. If the session is online, provide the client with the link to access the session. Please note that clients will not find the session link, phone details, or location information in the platform’s confirmation email or their account, so it is essential to communicate this directly.

You can find your new client's contact details by clicking on the client's name:

Please make sure you ask your client to inform you directly, by text or email, of any cancellations or amendments to their sessions. Some clients are unsure of who they should inform when needing to cancel or amend a session and we wish to make their life easier by reinforcing that the path of communication is through their therapist. This communication should be done at the end of your first session so the client has your contact details. We do give cancellation information to all clients, in written form, before they start therapy but this important reiteration should help to eliminate the problem.

Upon joining the service you have agreed to accept all bookings and must only refuse to acknowledge them under extraordinary situations, as described in section 2 'Provision of Therapist Services' in the Terms and Conditions for Therapists. If, for whatever reason, you are not able to take a new client on, you have to email us as soon as possible and no later than 24 hours from receipt of booking, to allow us to manage the client's enquiry in a timely manner.