How do I improve my rankings?

We want our clients to experience quality support and a high standard of therapeutic care. Our platform's algorithm in ranking Therapists are based on a variety of factors. These include;

  • Quick response time.  Communication is an integral part of creating a harmonious relationship with your client.  We encourage Therapists to confirm a booking the soonest time possible so both parties can make the necessary arrangements.  Giving clients a fast response in confirming their session time is a really important part of starting the client experience off on the right foot. Many clients book appointments as soon as possible; the most frequent advance booking time is 24-48 hours. Therefore confirming sessions as quickly as possible is important so that both therapists and clients can make the necessary arrangements to attend their first session.
  • An up-to-date Calendar.  Any changes to your working schedule should be reflected on your Calendar.  Constantly check your availability to avoid cancellations and/or re-bookings.
  • Client history.  A long term relationship with your client is a good indicator of positive experience.  Mutual trust and respect is not built overnight, but gained overtime.
  • Quality of Therapist Profiles.  Your profile should be a comprehensive reflection of your credentials, values, experience and overview of who you are as a therapist. Make sure to include a balanced set of information about your background, including your biography, educational background, and credentials
  • Client Rating.  Clients will sometimes rely on feedback to know if you are a right fit for them. It also presents opportunities for our Therapists to improve on their practice.
  • Speed of confirmation of follow up sessions. In addition to confirming initial bookings, It's really important clients have all their sessions confirmed quickly so that they are confident when their next session will be. We've designed the session update process so it should take less than 30 seconds to confirm a client attended and book them in the next week, which will confirm the session with them by email.